Marine Alliance utviderMarine Alliance og Fram Insurance Brokers inn i Nederland
Marine Alliance ble stiftet av Söderberg & Partners, majoritetsaksjonæren i Fram Insurance Brokers, i 2022. Tidligere i år gikk tyske Marine Assekuranz inn i alliansen, nå står Nederland for tur.

The Dutch (Benelux) area is an important marine hub, with strong representation of both shipowners and marine insurers. — At Marine Alliance we have been looking to strengthen our presence in this market, and are happy to advise that we have now set up an office in Rotterdam with the experienced marine insurance experts Marco Visser and Mark van Zalingen, says Per Esten Gjølmesli, CEO at Fram.
Marco has a strong Hull & Machinery background from MS Amlin, and Mark a similar strong background from the P&I side, coming to us from DUPI.
Jørn Gisvold, Chairman of the Board of Söderberg & Partners in Norway and Marine Alliance, see this as a very good start for our marine operations in the Netherlands. — Our ambition is to soon attract more competence and talent, and build the company to be a significant player in the Dutch marine insurance broking market, offering services in all relevant marine fields, including:
- Hull and Machinery
- Protection and Indemnity
- Construction
- Cargo Insurance
- War Insurance
Marine Alliance has a long-term commitment to the Dutch market and shall be a competent, reliable, lean, and competitive alternative to the mega brokers. — We believe that our concept of an independent partner run company, with dedicated marine focus, gives us the opportunity to deliver a high degree of service to our clients, both on the broking and claims side, says Gisvold.
Marine Alliance offers specialised industry know-how, provide marketing services for all partners and bundle purchasing power. Customers from the shipping and transport industry will directly benefit from the broader product range, the close consultation and the worldwide network.
Both Marco Visser and Mark van Zalingen see several advantages joining the alliance. — We strongly believe that combining our local knowledge and network with the already strong position of our alliance partners will enable us to become the preferred partners for marine entrepreneurs in the Benelux.
The network is intended to be expanded further by including new insurance brokers in the Marine Alliance in the future.
From left: Marco Visser and Mark van Zalingen.