Team Real Estate
Team Real estate works is in the field of transactions of used homes.

Team Real estate
The most important products are Latent Defect Insurance, Home Buyers Insurance and Double home insurance. The real estate team works close with the realtor brokers who distribute the product to sellers and buyers. The role of Team real estate, as an insurance broker, is to challenge the market on both premiums and products, and to ensure efficient administrative systems and related products such as surveyor reports. In addition, with a long and continues experience from the market of used homes, we consider ourselves as an important adviser for the realtors and real estate brokers
Latent Defect Insurance
According to the Alienation Act, Latent Defect insurance covers the seller's liability to the buyer. At the same time, you get help to handle the complaint from the buyer or the buyer's representative. With Latent defect Insurance, you can lower your shoulders when your home is sold.
Today, 9 out of 10 of home sellers by Latent Defect Insurance - with good reason. In as many as 1 in 6 home sales, there is some form of complaint or complaint from the buyer. As a seller, your responsibility to the buyer is high because, according to the Alienation Act, you can be liable for errors and omissions you were not aware of, for five years after takeover. This also applies if the home is resold within these years.
The home seller's insurance covers this liability to the buyer, limited to the home's sale price and a maximum of NOK. 10 million.
The claims settlement company Claims Link takes care of the complaint processing and pays any compensation directly to the buyer. In this way, the Latent Defect Insurance secures the seller of the home at the same time as it ensures that the buyer is secured a liquid counterparty.
Home buyer insurance
The home buyer insurance gives you access to help from lawyers, caseworkers and lawyers who specialize in property purchases and the Alienation Act. If you have a case, they are ready to help you - without you having to worry about your own and possibly awarded legal costs.
The insurance is valid for five years after takeover.
The home byer insurance insures yourself against the financial burden it is to document and promote claims against the seller or seller's home seller's insurance if errors or defects are discovered in the home and a significant process risk associated with proceeding with a claim against the seller.
Double home Insurance
Homes sold with double home insurance provide extra financial security for the buyer. The insurance is bought and paid for by the seller, but it is the buyer who will receive payment from the insurance. The homes will therefore be more attractive in the market, and stakeholders will feel more secure in submitting bids.
The insurance covers actual extra housing costs of up to NOK 15,000 per month for up to 9 months if the buyer is notable to sell his old home before taking over the new one. This includes net interest costs and actual extra housing costs for unsold homes (common costs, home insurance, heating / electricity, and municipal taxes).
The insurance has no deductible, only a waiting period of 3 months. It is valid for 12 months after takeover, and the buyer must meet the following requirements to receive payment through the insurance:
- Taken over a new home.
- Tried to sell the home through a real estate broker for at least three months.
The insurance expires one month after the bid is accepted, and the buyer must accept a bid for his unsold home within 90% of the marketed price suggestion. If bids within this limit are not accepted, the possibility of compensation is no longer valid.